Blog Post

Being A Muslim In The Workplace

Tauriq Abraham • March 16, 2021

Awkward.... or is it?

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Realistically, two of the many things we cannot avoid in our lives are our faith and earning an income. While the former may prove to be a blessing more than anything else, it does erect challenges for many when combined with the latter, especially in an office/corporate environment. Many a time these challenges result in a person becoming a less practicing Muslim at work or even someone shy to reveal their faith. So how can we use our work environment to not only maintain our spiritual levels but also increase it at the same time?

Many of us are aware of the difficulties the office environment poses to us. Some may find it a challenge to pray at work while others are challenged by the constant surrounding of the opposite sex. These are all common challenges experienced by many, including myself. The first thing one can do to not only aid them during these challenges but increase their spiritual connection is to rectify their niyyaat (intentions). Sincere intention/s can turn a mundane act into an act of worship. Sleeping with an intention to rest your body so that you may worship Allah the following day can make your sleep an act of worship.

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab relates that he heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, say, "Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended. So the one whose hijrah was to Allah and His Messenger, then his hijrah was to Allah and His Messenger. And the one whose hijrah was for the world to gain from it, or a woman to marry her, then his hijrah was to what he made hijrah for." [Agreed upon].

This hadith is a beautiful reminder that many things we do or say can become acts of worship by simply making an intention. Intentions have the power to completely change one's perspective. You’re not just praying but also showing non-Muslims the prayer as well as giving other Muslims the courage to do the same. You’re not just dressing modestly but also indicating that beauty lies in character and not just your physical makeup.

Another aspect many Muslims struggle with, in their work environment, is touching of the opposite sex. Perhaps in their daily out-of-the-office lifestyle, they are only akin to making skin contact with their spouse and mahram. However, in the workplace this may seem daunting as one may think avoiding handshakes or hugs are considered rude (I know I've thought this!). A simple tip for this is to just be open and frank. More often than not your colleagues will not just understand but also respect your views. A half step back while placing your hand to your chest also does wonders to get the message across without too much awkwardness.

Whether the above mentioned are things you struggle with or it is something completely different, keep the following two things in mind. First, you in your work environment can earn the pleasure of Allah. You should treat your job like an act of worship. Secondly, adhering to your religious values can be a form of da’wah to others. Your actions may be the very thing that plants the seed of curiosity in someone's heart; of which carries the potential to bloom into the embracement of our beautiful religion. In shaa Allah!

Tauriq Abraham • March 16, 2021
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