1-877-HALAL-WW (+1-877-425-2599)
A true guide on a journey will tell you not
only about your destination, but of the attractions and dangers along the way as
well. In life, our goal is to gain the Pleasure of Allah, and we all require
guides to help us navigate attaining that success and avoid jeopardizing it.
One of the clearest set of guidelines to such success is the knowledge of Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited). One must understand that this journey of life contains both beautiful attractions, and harmful dangers to avoid. Seeking out qualified teachers, and Halal certification agencies to help illuminate the way in order to navigate the Halal and Haram in our modern lives is essential for us all.
There is an ancient saying, "All things are understood by their opposites" . Without these contrasts, we would struggle to fully appreciate the value of most privileges. The tranquility of the night, for example, is not fully appreciated unless we have experienced the bustling rush of the day. Even more convincing is the fact that many of our blessings, such as good health are only truly appreciated when lost.
Similarly, halal and haram are both clear contrasts revealed and explained to us through the Divine Wisdom of Allah. These clear guidelines that exist, allow us to appreciate the attraction and purity in the halal in contrast to the harm and impurity of the haram.
Among the Prophetic Traditions, our beloved Messenger (peace be upon him) clearly stated that “the Halal is clear and the haram is clear, and in between them there are matters that are doubtful, of which most people are unaware …” -( Bukhari & Muslim)
This is the main purpose of a halal certifying body. To make what most people are unaware of clear and transparent. It is to illuminate the doubtful matters and bring to light the facts. By design, Allah made the contrast between Halal and Haram perceivable to humans through revelation and teachings. Extrapolation of his revealed text via qualified scholarship provides clarity to matters that would have otherwise been ambiguous
Extrapolation requires a knowledge base, and expertise, and it is important and necessary, otherwise, we would not be able to please our lord without knowing what he wants from us, how to live our lives, what to stay away from, and what to enjoin in. We can easily appreciate this perspective, through a few simple examples.
Imagine not knowing what to do to please someone you loved. A child, for example, may try in vain to please his / her parents by spending lots of money on them, whilst the fact is that all they desire is some quality time with their child. Similarly, a spouse may praise and shower his wife with the most beautiful words, whilst what she would appreciate most are small acts of service done around the house.
Both child and spouse are walking down roads of inevitable frustration and disappointment, despite exerting every effort to please their loved ones. If both of them were sincere in their efforts to please and were presented with clear guidelines of what to do, or what not do, they would not only welcome such guidance but consider it light on a path towards fulfilling their goal.
Without clear guidelines on how to please those we love, we would experience doubt and confusion, which easily leads to error, frustration and even emotional pain. The greatest loss and disappointment would, of course, be to discover in the Hereafter that all our efforts in this world to please our Lord were in vain, due to not being aware of what truly pleases HIM.
The Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) further advised staying away from the unclear matters, describing the one who engages in the doubtful, similar to a shepherd who grazes his flock very close to pastures belonging to others. It would be very easy for his flock to consume from a pasture owned by someone else, causing the earnings of the shepherd to be tainted with what is unlawful for him to consume.
Surely, by dabbling in the grey unclear areas when it comes to Allah, we put His Pleasure and our success in both worlds at risk. It is, therefore, part of wisdom to seek out and hold firmly to those who strive to illuminate the road to Pleasing Allah with knowledge of these clear boundaries. We pray that Allah is pleased with our efforts as an organization to do this work on his behalf. May Allah give all halal certification agencies the ability to be excellent in this work. Ameen.