Blog Post

Is This Halal: Glycerin, Lecithin and Glutamic Acid

August 10, 2021

Glossary of Terms

Shari: Canonical rulings or law as prescribed by the Quran. These rulings govern Islamic jurisprudence and the general Islamic lifestyle.

Halal: ‘Halal’ is the Arabic word for ‘lawful’ or ‘permitted’. In the context of food, it is the dietary standard, as prescribed by the Quran.

Mashbuh: ‘Mashbuh’ is a food designation in Islam, and means ‘doubtful’ or ‘suspected’. If a consumable is labeled mashbuh, it means its halal status is unclear, and subject to scrutiny and being determined through the implementation of halal standard checks.

Haraam: ‘Haram’ is the Arabic word for ‘unlawful’ or ‘impermissable’. In the context of food, its consumption is forbidden as prescribed by the Quran.

Glycerin, glycerine glycerol


Glycerin, also referred to as ‘glycerine’ or ‘glycerol’, in a natural compound derived from plants and animals. Vegetable Glycerin is the variant that comes specifically from plants; its discovery is said to have been purely incidental over two centuries ago, by heating a mixture of olive oil and lead monoxide. It’s a polyol compound that is odorless, colorless and mildly sweet in taste.

Glycerin is a diverse ingredient used in a plethora of products, and finds itself especially popular in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. It can be found in shaving creams, toothpaste and shampoo; it is a popular humectant and keeps products from drying out.

Its benefits range from facilitating better hydration, skin health and a strengthened gut.

 Halal Status of Glycerin

When it comes to its halal status’ glycerin is considered ‘halal’ when derived from plant – palm oils, soy beans etcetera. However, there are glycerins that are sourced from animal fat, and the determination of its halal status can be a bit more complex. Determining the halal status of an ingredient is usually regulated by factors such as the method of slaughter (whether or not it is in accordance with Shari’ rulings of slaughters), the facilities that may make contamination possible, or whether or not the ingredient was extracted from the animal when it was alive – in which case determining the method of slaughter becomes an irrelevant pursuit. For the most part, Glycerin is broadly considered halal, due to most commonly being sourced from plants. Synthetic Glycerin does exist, however it is not that common.

halal certification


Lecithin is a substance that occurs naturally in the tissue of the body, and is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues.

Lecithin operates as an emulsifier, suspending fats and oils and preventing them from mixing with other substances. It has a variety of medical and commercial uses, with extensive health benefits. It is found naturally in soy beans and yolk. 

 Lecithin supplements are often prescribed to assist in the treatment of high cholesterol; ulcerative colitis; and Alzheimer’s – to list just a few ailments. It is even considered a breast-feeding aid.

Halal Status of Lecithin

As far as its halal status is concerned, Lecithin is considered mashbuh; halal if it is derived from sources such as soy fat or egg yolk, and haram if it is obtained from animal fat.

halal certification

Glutamic Acid

Glutamic acid is an α-amino acid that is used by almost all living beings in the production of proteins. It is non-essential in humans, meaning the body can synthesize it. It is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate nervous system. Glutamic acid supplements have been used to treat behavioural problems; it is also used to support treatment of cognitive diseases, as well as preventing nerve damage in chemotherapy patients. Glutamic acid can be found naturally in poultry, fish and all high protein foods. More commercially, it can be found in a variety of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Halal Status of Glutamic Acid

Much like lecithin, glutamic acid is considered mashbuh, depending on its derivative. This substance will be considered halal if it comes from plant protein, and haraam if its source is pig protein.

In conclusion, when it comes to determining the halal status of ingredients such as glycerin, lecithin, and glutamic acid, it is crucial to seek halal certification. As discussed throughout this blog post, the complexities and potential sources of contamination make it challenging for individuals or businesses to ascertain the halal compliance of these ingredients on their own.

At Halal Watch World, we understand the significance of halal certification in assuring Muslims of the authenticity and compliance of the products they consume. Our dedicated team of experts specializes in providing reliable halal certification services, thoroughly examining every aspect of the production process to ensure adherence to Islamic guidelines.

Contact Halal Watch World
today to begin your journey towards halal certification and tap into the immense potential of the halal market!

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Aa'isha Ebrahim is a Bachelor's graduate from the University of Cape Town, and that is the least interesting thing about her. She spends her free time doing impressionionist paintings on pottery and birthday cakes and writing a plethora of fictional pieces she may never publish. She often wonders if she'll ever know what a hedgefund is, or overcome her fear of dogs. She is currently content not knowing the answer. 

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